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(112) as (17)

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(117) Korber, Oelsen, Schottky, Werkstoffausschuß VDEH, Bericht nr.180, 1949.

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Merchant 1968.

(121) as (59)

(122) R.S.Jackson, The melting point of iron carbide Fe3C, Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, 1973, pp.375-76.

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(124) Taschenbuch 1986

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5e Auflage, p.303, Leipzig 1964.

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(128) K.M.Htun, R.W.Heine, Nucleation and neo-eutectic growth of spheroidal graphite in cast irons, Part A: Morphological relation between spheroidal graphite, the eutectic and primary carbides. AFS Cast Metals Research Journal,1967, pp.51-58.

(129) H.Morrogh, P.H.Tütsch, The solidification of iron-phosphorus-carbon alloys,

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(131) J.H.Gittus, The inoculation of solidifying iron and steel castings by means of vibration. JISI 1959, pp.118-31.

(132) as (35)

(133) M.Hecht, J-C Margerie, Les premiers stades de la solidification des alliages du type fonte. Fonderie 314 1972, pp.267-71.

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